We are excited to announce that Viva La Moda Magazine has featured Metal Leaves Studio's fine art photography in their latest issue.Viva La Moda is a fashion magazine, based in Spain, that showcases new designers, fresh style, and unique products.
Phish didn't pull a 'Springsteen' on the first night of their 2009 Fall Tour. [they didn't really say anything] They also didn't have Bob Seger waiting in the wings, ready to join them onstage for a nostalgic rendition of 'Main Street.' So what did Phish serve up to its hungry Detroit audience? One of their greatest musical performances of the 2thousands.
The lot scene prevailed as it always does, burgeoning wherever it can. It was filled with the obligatory balloons which popped sporadically, causing some to lay low unnecesarily. Patchouli invaded the concrete structures, accompanied by the usual burrito slingers, ticket seekers, and despondent pushers. This was a no fanfare kind of show. No flying through the arena on a giant hot dog, although a Coney would have been appropriate, no? Trampolines were m.i.a., as were acrobats repelling down from the rafters, vacuums with the necessary hose attachment, and Vegas showgirls. The closest thing to a circus was when Trey summoned J.Lo as he tripped over Mike's bass, laughing along with everyone who noticed. The feeling of the performance was a throwback from the mid-nineties, reminiscent of Binghampton. The only difference was that Fishman's dress has faded slightly since the old Broome County days. Mr. Fishman- just how many frocks are in that closet of yours? The quattro has definitely been making it to band practice. Everyone knew all the words and every note was hit- one, two sucka! punch. The show was engaging, just some old friends getting together on stage, plotting the next song through sign language and whispering. The music itself was well-defined, wrapped up, tied in a neat bow, and presented on a silver platter. Fishman came with the solid framework while Mike anchored it down. Page.. Trey... Happiness seems like the major change that went down within the group. Taking into consideration that every day can't be sunshine and lollipops, it is a feat to pull off after twenty + years and it is wonderful to see musicians enjoying themselves. [obvious YEM reference] So now Phish joins the smiling ranks of Jay-Z and Snoop as charismatic entertainers. Sorry everyone else, you lose. Please take note performers: Smiling is the new Frown. And Phish is the fresh catch of the day. [for real] Reminiscent of Blow Up when Thomas states that the neighborhood is changing and that it has turned into '...nothing but...poodles,' if you haven't been within the Detroit City Limits during the past three weeks, take notice that you aren't in Kansas, anymore.
Overnight the veils have been lifted. Construction has been completed, windows have been fitted, and permits granted. Florescent signs illuminate the night where burnt-out buildings stood in constant waiting, vacant yet stoic. The pawnbrokers are next on the agenda, to be replaced by garish Rent-A-Centers. The process of removing these iconic treasures is killing me softly. Ten days ago it was the Lounge sign, a personal fave. The Star Motel- gone. Well, the only decent thing [you did when you worked as a postal clerk...] is MIA- the sign. Tiger Stadium? Demolition complete. I watched that disintegrate as they finished tearing that down this fall. Yesterday a flock of geese in signature arrow formation flew over the vacant parcel. When they return from their swank vacation in South Beach, [hello Delano!] they will barely recognize the place. Word hit fast and furious that Obie Trice's album Special Reserve is dropping under the Mossappeal Music label. Trice has teamed up with producer MoSS, whom he has worked with in the past. The release date is slated for December 15th.
This has been on my wait list since '06, actually since '03, when Cheers was the album in heavy rotation in the Trooper II. Once he severed ties with Shady, he created his own label, Black Market, and was set to release Bottoms Up as his third album. Not sure what transpired, but that never happened and now this street album has come into play. Want to know what Detroit is really like? Then listen to Obie Trice's lyrics- he lays it all out- the Good and the Bad, and the Ugly. He has the ability to capture grimy truth in the sincerest way imaginable. Trice is without a doubt one of the realest rappers out there; he tells the true story of life in the D. The needle fell into the grooves of the record and 'It Ain't Me, Babe' came through the speakers scratchy like an Etch-A-Sketch as you shake it. I had discovered my parent's record collection... and Bob Dylan.
So there begins the story of a life-long Dylan affectionado. My parents aided in the process, which was an unexpected move on their part considering they were more Rolling Stones [dad[ and Bob Seger [mom] fans. Bringing doughnuts to me while standing relentless in line at Ticketmaster at four in the a.m., removing me from AP American History [thank you, Mr. Cook] early to drive me across state lines to catch shows, and snapping the picture of me as I posed with Joan Baez. [ok-it's not Dylan, but close enough] The troubadour himself, Bob Dylan, will be rolling into Detroit tonight for a show at the Fox Theatre. Forget everything you have heard about Dylan's performances, well, don't forget, just ignore. It's not as garbled as one may expect- although your impression may be skewed by how much you have emotionally invested in Mr. Zimmerman's songs throughout the years. Definitely don't throw your tickets out the window, but feel free to throw the latest album on the tracks. Although Dylan can usually do no wrong, sometimes he needs to go down to central booking for ?uestioning; this may be one of those times. |
AuthorAll images & text ©Nicole Wrona