So there begins the story of a life-long Dylan affectionado. My parents aided in the process, which was an unexpected move on their part considering they were more Rolling Stones [dad[ and Bob Seger [mom] fans. Bringing doughnuts to me while standing relentless in line at Ticketmaster at four in the a.m., removing me from AP American History [thank you, Mr. Cook] early to drive me across state lines to catch shows, and snapping the picture of me as I posed with Joan Baez. [ok-it's not Dylan, but close enough]
The troubadour himself, Bob Dylan, will be rolling into Detroit tonight for a show at the Fox Theatre. Forget everything you have heard about Dylan's performances, well, don't forget, just ignore. It's not as garbled as one may expect- although your impression may be skewed by how much you have emotionally invested in Mr. Zimmerman's songs throughout the years.
Definitely don't throw your tickets out the window, but feel free to throw the latest album on the tracks. Although Dylan can usually do no wrong, sometimes he needs to go down to central booking for ?uestioning; this may be one of those times.