Growing up [a few blocks away from me] in the war zone that was Bedford-Stuyvesant [The Livest One] helped Jay, at an early age, become desensitized to the pitfalls that would distract other contenders. From the age of four, he realized he liked the attention and the admiration of others. And he knew money could help make a hard life easier.
He probably never questioned whether he would attain what he set out to accomplish. It was simply a matter of when, not 'if.' In the brief times I met him, he seemed very self-assured. Not arrogant- just aware, knowledgeable, and certain. When he makes moves, they are calculated, like a game of chess.
He just keeps climbing. And climbing. And climbing. When its time for the takeover, he will step aside and let someone else wear the crown. But it's difficult to kick the king off the throne. Checkmate