The Hamtramck paczki scene is one from which legends are born. Detroiters stand in line with their salted boots, bundled up with scarves and mittens, as television crews interview those waiting their turn to order their Polish treat. It is the heavyweight championship of the world- Hamtramck style, where only the hardcore survi- I mean- eat paczki.
Those [two] boxes of paczki from the grocery store I paraded on instagram were only a countdown to the main event, a 'warm-up,' if you will. So this morning, we bundled up and hit Hamtramck.
But wait- There's More! Click to read how it all went down... ↓↓↓
The Third opponent on my list was down for the count; it had disappeared. Not exactly sure what happened with that bakery, so we trudged forward- determined to not leave without the prize.
In between rounds, [bakery locations] I looked for the spot where my grandfather's old photography studio could have been. I say 'could' because I had to imagine which building it was because that is also the stuff of legend in my family. My dad can't remember where it was exactly, just that it was in Hamtramck. Someday I'll figure it out.
The Fourth choice of bakeries yielded stellar results. Hello Polish Market! We found a parking spot that wasn't claimed by an outdoor patio chair guarding a resident's space, and parked.
"One of each flavor!" is what I said to the awesome woman manning the deck in the bakery section.
And we exited like the many that came before us, paczki purists- emerging from the cozy bakeries victorious! with the mark of a true champion nestled under their arm: the coveted white box.
And since we like our polish paczki with some Ukranian delight on the side, we took a side trip to Disneyland- because who doesn't love Disneyland! In Hamtramck.
As this story comes to an end- let me share with you that only a few packzi remain standing- the true testament to a good batch of paczki.
-Added bonus: Check out Hamtramck Disneyland! It turns going to a bakery into an even greater event.